I am working on a lesson where students will design and draw a community eco art-park, then they will create a 3-d version using mixed media. This is my 3-d version. In the process of drawing thier park they create a what will be like a map key. I have been thinking about how this relates to reading a text of an object. Images are a large part our our daily lives, and many times written language is involved in comprehension. It seems extreemly important to be able to read our surroundings in order to survive and thrive. Our students will flurious in any environment if they are able to read the small information and build from there.
I think that your lesson plan sounds great and a lot of fun! I like that students will take something that they already know (their drawing) and turn it into something more complex (the 3-D). Keeping in with the literacy theme, the eco art-park can help tie in other subject areas as well. I think that art uses a lot of literacy other than drawing or writing. It definitely involves math and science and can involve music, I think, as well. Getting the students to create a 3-D artwork allows them to touch which I think is also a part of literacy. I like the last part of your last sentence also: "if they are able to read the small information [they can] build from there." I think that using literacy in a sense of reading a map/layout of their park drawing and using it to create a 3-D park is just wonderful.